NAVCalc: Information System for Fund Management

Keeping track of clients and providing online access to investment information has never been easier. The perfect choice for small and medium-sized funds.

Our Solution

Our software focuses on providing a comprehensive solution for managing investment funds and their clients. We help you track deposits, withdrawals and performance of individual investment accounts, simplifying and streamlining your day-to-day operations.

We enable fund clients to track the progress of their investments, access up-to-date information and interact with the fund through a secure and transparent interface. In this way, we achieve a higher level of transparency and build trust between the investment fund and its clients, which is the foundation of a successful partnership.

Our product is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, ensuring a smooth transition from traditional Excel spreadsheets and other tools. We work with investment firms and funds to ensure that our solution truly meets their needs and allows them to grow and prosper.

Fund Management Information System

Asset Valuation and Reporting

Financial Transactions and Fees

Client and Account Management


Our Client Portal

Investment Overviews and Charts

Security and Access

Sub-Accounts and Currency Accounts

Communication and Documents

Access for Business Partners

Public Presentation of Results

Typical Clients

Funds or other Collective Investment Schemes

Our software is designed to meet the needs of funds and any other Collective Investments Scheme entities that manage one or more shared portfolios for their clients.

Small and Medium-sized Funds

Our solution is designed primarily for small and medium-sized investment funds looking for an efficient tool to manage their activities and communicate with their clients. The platform is also ideal even for the smallest funds that need to move from Excel spreadsheets to a more sophisticated information system. All at a reasonable price that takes into account the needs and capabilities of smaller funds.

Typical Users

Fund Managers and Partners

Fund managers, administrators, sales representatives, and other professionals involved in the operational and administrative aspects of fund management use our solution to streamline their work processes.


Clients of investment funds use our client portal to track the progress of their investments, access up-to-date information, and communicate with fund managers through a simple and secure interface.


Our solution helps accountants manage fund-related accounting with efficiency and automation, ensuring accurate transaction recording, tax compliance, with minimazing risk of making mistakes.

With Us, You Can't Go Wrong

Reasonable Pricing

Our solution is priced reasonably and competitively to reflect the unique needs and capabilities of smaller funds, making it easily affordable for even the smallest investment companies.

Ease of Use

Our software is designed to be easy to use and very intuitive, which makes it easy to work with and allows new users to get up to speed quickly for both sided - funds and their clients.

Fast Integration

Our streamlined and flexible approach makes integrating our system into your business quick and seamless, allowing you to start reaping the benefits of our platform as soon as possible.


The security of your data and information is our priority. Our solution employs the latest security technologies to protect your data from unauthorized access and misuse.

Our Clients Love Us

It is a very user-friendly system that can be operated even by users who are not very proficient in other software. We are happy to be part of the "story" of this portfolio management assistant. We highly recommend it. Jiří Jedlička, CEO - Hewelt fund (STGCZ)

Incredibly easy and useful! With this tool we have streamlined our processes, increased transparency for our investors and overall increased efficiency. In addition, the team behind this product is always ready to help and support. Miloš Labaj, CEO - Convexify

NAVCalc is the software solution we have been looking for! Very transparent client zone and easy to manage for us as a fund manager. Such a tool is essential for every administrator and I can recommend it as the best! Pavel Čech, CEO - Czech Portfolio Investments

These Funds Trust Us

Get in Touch, We Are Ready to Help You!

Want to learn more about how our software can improve your investment fund management and facilitate communication with your clients? Feel free to schedule a no-obligation consultation with us! Our experts are ready to answer your questions, discuss your needs, and design a solution tailored to your fund. Fill in the contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. +420 606 893 039

DYNAM Dynamic Asset Management s.r.o.
Kludských 2740/4193 00, Prague
Czech Republic
ID: (CZ) 080 95 060